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Friday, October 16, 2020


Cabbage Rolls, glumkies


Recipe By     : Mom

Serving Size  : 10   Preparation Time :0:00

Categories    : Family Recipes


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method

--------  ------------  --------------------------------

  12                    cabbage leaves

   1 1/4  pounds        ground beef

   1      cup           cooked rice

                        salt and pepper

   1      small         onion, chopped

   1                    egg

     1/2  teaspoon      poultry seasoning or thyme

  16      ounces        tomato sauce or stewed tomatoes

   1      tablespoon    brown sugar

     1/4  cup           water

   1      tablespoon    vinegar or lemon juice


Cover cabbage leaves with boiling water, let stand five minutes till limp, drain.  Combine rice, s&p, onion, egg and thyme.  Put a handful of meat mixture in a cabbage leave.  Fasten with a toothpick or string.  Repeat until mixture or leaves are used up.  Brown rolls in 2 tablespoons oil.  Mix tomato sauce, brown sugar, water and vinegar.  Pour over cabbage rolls.  Simmer 1 hour, basting occasionally.


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NOTES : Because we didn't like cabbage as kids mom would put the meat in a casserole cover it with cabbage leaves then sauce and cook.

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